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$150.00 per session with individuals.

$160.00 per session with couples 



Pay by credit card, debit or e-transfer. Then submit your receipt to your insurance company for reimbursement.

Insurance Coverage

With a Masters in Social Work, I am registered to practice in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Ontario. Medical insurance companies and organizations covering my services include:


​Medavie Blue Cross



Canada Life

Dalhousie, SMU, & MSVU (domestic students)

Dalhousie international students

Dalhousie, SMU Faculty


Check with your insurer to make sure your plan covers services with a Registered Social Worker.

Employee Assistance &
Government Programs

You may be covered under programs which pay for your counselling. I am a provider for the following programs:


Arete (EAP)

Modern Health (EAP)


Community Services, Nova Scotia

Interim Federal Health Program

Non-Insured Health Benefits

Nova Scotia Justice-Victim Services

Veterans Affairs

Workers Compensation Board, Nova Scotia

Contact me if you have any questions about payment or programs that may support you.


I am available in person and via telephone and video

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